hello aunties and uncles (:
my com's running out of battery..hahaha..
i found myself kinda panicking when studying for history..
so amelia.
procrastinate,delay, and at the very last moment- panic.
hahaha..it's ok..
i shld be fine if i manage to memorize 200years of history,6countries + ASEAN by tomorrow.
i don't regret not studying in the earlier weeks.
cos i know even if im given an additional month to study,
i would still wait till the last wk to study.
i'll make it.
i love sukarno. <3
p/s: my colours are back! yay! i love blogger too!
it took away my colours!!!
and my font!!
and my font size!!!
it's back to lao pok pok blogger!!!!!!!
one more time and i'm gonna switch to livejournal for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's gonna be midnight soon.
which means minus one more day to A levels!
yay! minus one day to the end of A's too!
can't wait...!!
i need money.loads.
i want a camera,
i need to pay for my vacation to m'sia,
i need to buy stuff for prom,
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera...
i love saying that.ET CETERA.
i was doing my chemistry TYS when i saw this.
the first word that i saw was "property"
and then i saw the graph.
i didn't bother to read the rest of the question.
i stunned for a minute.
cos' i thought that the graph was illustrating the volatility of property prices!HAHAHAHAHA...
shows how much i love econs huh..
and it also shows how much i've been neglecting my chem, which i ABSOLUTELY DETEST!
ok..im gg back to my TYS!
I LOVE JUNK AND JUNK LOVES ME!:) my companions till the A levels starts.
...and stay happy i will.
this is my 18th birthday present from adilla..
i thank god for keeping all my close friends snugly next to me,throughout the years..
all of you were there when i ran into a dark corner.
my beacons.my lighthouses. (:
ok pple, go buy the real thing.
so that pple like me can continue supporting his music.by being pirates.
eh..im nt mean ok..
i will wait for the concert dvd.hahaha..
i just saw sth that swung my emotions to a new low.
maybe im just PMS-ing.haha.
it's ok..i know i still have my fave pple standing on my side..
i hope..
HELLO EVERYONE! I bought truffie a house within a house! the enclosure is humongous for a little guy like truffie!
"spot me if you can" says truffie.
shucks! you found me stuffing my face again.. see..
hahaha..you owe me ok?
haha..here's the irony..my family aren't exactly fans of meat, this was only ordered as research for my dad's restaurant. which explains why we had to pack the leftovers home, which is ALOT.
OHOH!! the fish and chips there is heavenly..it's a MUST-TRY!!!!!
This is called erm..something chocolate lake something something ice-cream..i can't remember..
ok..she succeeded in making herself look like she was forced to take a foto with me..
see..it's finger lickin' good!
who loves Amelia? Vivian does!!
my mommy..she looks sleepy/seducive..hahahaha..dun tell her i said that..
this is my teddy bear daddy! see the family resemblance??
oh! my fave picture! both of us got chubby faces!!
yaya, im a lousy candy floss maker..
yaya, shut up alrd..
no birthday cake, cos i don't like cream on cakes.
instead, i've got ice-cream and desserts!
hahaha..i like that replacement. it's definitely worth it..
oh! and i'm gonna pon maths remedial 2moro.
if CPT asks, i'm gonna tell him that i've only ONE 18th birthday in a lifetime,
but countless maths remedials just in my education life.
so no harm ponning..hahahhahaha..
bet he'll roll his eyes at me..who cares? NO ONE.
btw, i just realised my A lvl History paper2 is on halloween.
maybe i'll be lucky then stalin or reagan or some historical figure will come help me with my paper..
hahahahaha..ok! that'll be my birthday wish!
our last time standing at the parade square..muz TRY to look solemn.
(minus the countless "unofficial" remedials i need to attend)
yes, that's why Amelia's very happy today..
yes you heard me right, not sad, but happy! (:
i daresay these 2years were the most difficult time of my education life-spells TEDIOUS.
see, that's why im ecstatic!
today is the last time i'm gonna wear a uniform.
today is the last time i'm gonna sing the national anthem and a school song.
today is the last time i'm gonna do chem as a subject.
today is the last time i'm gonna sit in a hall for assembly.
today marks the last time i'm gonna take PE
no more smelly 172
no more long long walks to bustop and to school
no more drenched uniform and half filled shoes during heavy rain
no more....there's so many, the list can go on..
not that pjc is that bad, but i just like to whine.
i'm half singaporean wat.
it's our innate nature.hahahahaha...
the graduation ceremony was rather "high" compared to last year..
but i really pity the J1s, i know how they feel cos last year, i WAS them.
i was thinking to myself, what the hell was i doing here when i don't know 99% of the people and 80% of the events they were rambling about.
worse still, last yr hall gt no aircon, it was stuffy, there was no entertainment too.
so the current batch of J1s are definitely much more fortunate then us, sadly...
ok.let the pictures do the talking..the last time we're gonna lift those heavy covers.
ewww..salt stinks. so does the smelly bin..hahaha..
our history class, with jian wei as the representative of S14.hahaha..
here. my primary sch-172-history class friend.hahaha..short of ivan though..
see..paranomic view of our sch parade square..hahahahha..
she always said i looked like ju-on. so i did!
this is our DRAMAtic gantang..
and our mirror girl...hahaha..
yay! our PW group reunion!
then, we went to swensons' at BPP for class lunch..
i haven't finished receiving all the photos yet, will upload soon..hehee..
early birthday celebration tomorrow with my fave people. (:
i'm so gonna force pajiao and honey to take photos with me..
4years knowing them, and yet only 4photos.
yes, pathetic. bleaghxx..
the biggest problem now is to decide a place to go to cos SGP is soooooooooooooooooo small!
i can't decide, and they also dun wanna decide cos it's "my birthday".
haha..shall see how 2morrow!
This is a picture of me eating... still eating... grabbing my faves..bt still eating.. and me sunbathing in my food bowl. maybe that's why i shit so much, im practically living in my own shit. i also think i'm pretty smart to be able to blog.
this post would be on the narcissistic me- truffie!
cos i'm the novelty for now, so bear with me.hahahaha..
hahahaha..bt i still look cute anyways..
dat's why my owner bothers to clean up after me.
she thinks i look darn cute when i'm grooming myself, sheesh..i wonder why..
i think i live a more balanced and healthier lifestyle than my owner.
cos i exercise, she' a couch potato.
cos i eat regular meals, she eats junk.
wait, i should be the owner..it makes more sense.snigger snigger..
i'm so gonna tell my friend, hamtaro, at the ham-ham clubhouse.
sunflower seeds rocks! (literally)