It's DABIAN'S 14th BIRTHDAY TODAY~~happy birthday to you...
you are born in the zoo...
with the monkeys and the dolphins..
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu...
since she's been rather nice towards her older jiejie- me,
i shall be nice too!
hey..i'm not teasing her ok..i chose monkeys and dolphins for a reason ok..
monkeys cos' she's as active and funny as 'em.
dolphins cos' i want her to be as smart as 'em ok...
dun tell me there's no dolphins in the zoo..i know..
but there are dolphins in our imaginary zoo..bleaghx!
the cake was super creamy..
there was at least 1inch of cream on top of the cake, and that's excluding those on the sides..
it's spoiling my diet plans. (which will never happen.)
i can literally see myself expanding.
reminds me of that bitchy cashier.urgh!
btw, we didn't stick candles in cos we didn't want her flu-bug-infested-saliva all over the cake..hahaha..
she told me not to post the pix up,bt i did anyway..
that's revenge for posting my unglam pix in her blog..
the 9o'clock show on channel8's ending soon.
i think the meanie uncle is cuter after he lost his sanity.
hahaha..can't wait for the scene where he stomps on Wanyu..
wat kind of name is wanyu anyway..
reminds me of a jade bowl. i do not like jade. (exclude jade seah)
i shall end off with a's so funny.
it's super random.haha.
LOL.I can see your nosehairs
-fiona xie,calefare
i've decided.
i am going for grad night.
hahaha..after much deliberation, i decided to go..
it's not called grad night for nth rite?
it's for the i should go..
bt i shall ask for a refund if i suddenly get retained.haha..
my blog's dying soon..
so am i..
im surviving on 2jumbo packs of potato chips everyday..
which reminds me of that bitchy-malaysian-guy cashier at sheng shiong supermarket.
yes, i know it's not everyday u see a girl carrying 2 jumbo packs of potato packs to the cashier,
but it doesn't mean he could insult me rite?
well, count himself unlucky..i just woke up, and am having a grouchy bitch-fit moment.hah.
you know what he said to me when i placed the chips on the counter?
"whoah!! you not scared fat ah?" - in a strong malaysian accented chinese
guess what i said?
"well, my turtle loves them!" i really look darn fat to you?
you dun look exactly like a model yourself..far from it ok..
go buy a mirror if u dun have one.
btw, i'm skipping sch 2moro..
i feel bad abt skipping tchers' day..
it's like nobody celebrating your birthday..that's kinda sad huh..
but i've got plans..
and i've got no time for my admin stuff alrd..
so if any tcher happens to see this,
i'm sorry~ but, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!
i'm gg to try sitting at my study desk for 2mins and see if i dun fall aslp.
i caught the olympics closing ceremony today..
still really grand, majestic closing...
i wonder why the SGP team came back so early, they shld have stayed for the closing..
it's such a once in a lifetime experience, esp since it's prob LiJiaWei's last olympics..
really surprised to see leona lewis there..haha..
and i can't wait for the London olympics..
funny enough, i can't rmb any olympics prior to this one..
it's like i've got amnesia or sth..
i can't even rmb if i watched the Athens' olympics 4 years back..hmm..
oh! and i also saw army daze and the victoria's secret runway show..
army daze is soooo hilarious..hahaha..
yes, i know the 2 are running concurrently, bt i have a wierd habit of switching channels when i watch tv..
even my dad is irritated.He's the guy! he's supposed to like playing w the remote!
i dunno..i just can't stand watching time consuming stuff on tv like adverds, or just these boring talking scenes..haha..
oh yes, victoria's secrets..i think i've seen it b4..
Channel5 prob ran out of things to fill in that slot..hahaha..
bt i heard this song by the spice girls', and surprisingly, i thought that it was pretty pleasant!
maybe i miss all the boybands and girlbands which used to dominate the airwaves when we were younger..
i used to like, and still like westlife! hahaha..i rmb my fave song was "coast to coast", and i stil have it in my playlist!
studying have been real unproductive these days..
cos i'm so darn tired..
i just spent my whole weekend sleeping, cos the stupid weather chose to be nice when i needed really humid weather to study..bleaghx..
Mr dennis yeo says that we've got to be nuns for these 2mths,
abstinence is the key word..
bt it's easy to say, difficult to practice..
it's always like this..i dun rmb feeling like this during Os..
come to think abt it, Os was so much easier, and u hardly feel that ur unprepared for it..
take geog for eg..i didn't have to cram much b4 the paper cos everything was pretty much stuck in my head after prelims..
i cld even sit in front of the telly and score a distinction..
i doubt THAT wld happen in As..
haix..the price to pay for growing up.. :(
ok..i'm gonna mourn over my lost time..
nothing much happening these days..
just the usual..
oh! but i found this incredibly cool website!
you can actually download/convert ur own videos into mobile video formats!
yesh! i can finally watch my SLOZAC wherever i go...heheheheee..
and i have crayon sinchan and spongebob too!
here's the add if u'r interested:
and shuhui gave me another website that's chokeful of games and mobile softwares.. more boring bus rides,no more boring GP lessons, no more lonely nights..wahahaha..
that sounds wrong..
i recieved salt's msg..
there's a chem timed assignment 2moro..
i dun gettit..they haven't even gone thru the previous one (which i didnt study for too)
and they want another timed assignment.
they are really nt doing themselves a favour by telling us 12hrs b4 the test.
who would study for it?!
i devoted an entire wk during june in prep for the MYE, and i've got a miserable 39.4/100
i tink i'd prob get 2marks for studying now.
so i shall do sth more productive- sleeping? maths tut? econs?
ok..i shall go now..
i chose option 1. hahaha.
i ponned school today..
cos i'm super adament that i didn't get to pon friday due to maths remedials..
i fell aslp yesterday really determined to study..
bt, i woke up cursing and swearing again..
i just dun gettit, why is my neighbourhood so full of noisy events?
if it isn't a CC event-read old aunties line dancing,
it would be noisy funerals-sometimes 2 at a time, blasting their "music" at one another,competing who's louder when both are equally badly composed.)
or, it could be some construction work going on,
and worse still, like today, KIDS PLAYING AT THE PLAYGROUND!
urgh! im staying at the 13th floor, and i can still hear them go oh-ya-bey-ya-som!
y muz they start playing at 8.30am? don't they have sch like all of us do?
so, fine, i woke up, tried to eat my breakfast,
and i found myself venting all my grouses here..
i seriously think computer manufacturers put a curse or sth on their products..
i was soooo determined to study, bt when i caught sight of my laptop,
i just walked goo-goo eyed towards it, and b4 i know it, it's on.
dat's y i didn't study much in the end..bleaghx..
another reason for my missing on my sch work is cos of the olympics..
yes, im nt a great fan of sports, bt i still watch it..
maybe it's the multi cultural aspect that attracts me..
if you watch closely, there are certain traits that some countries have in common..
and it's always so cool to see 2 countries who probably don't understand a word of each other could play a game together..haha..
that said, im still pissed that susilo lost to a malaysian ah beng..ok la..
lee chong wei is a good badminton player, bt he looks like an ah beng.
it's so ironic that when SGP hired these foreign talents to play for us, they become lousier..
it's like SGP has this suayness..hahaha..
susilo was disappointing, and im nt gg to say it's a good game cos it's not, and i dun have to display sportsmanship cos i'm nt either! hahahahahaha...
i realised a few things from the olympics.
1) SGP's badminton coach is Indonesian too.
2) Female swimmers have a man's silhouette..only shorter.
3) Male swimmers shave their underarms.
ok..that's all..
i'm gonna spend the rest of the night mourning for my lost day..
that is a very fundamental, yet intricate concept.
they exist in all forms.
little ones, big ones, easy ones, difficult ones.
but they all have the same conclusion- there is a certain degree of opportunity cost.
we're always forced to make choices.
i hate making choices.
why can't we just have the cake and eat it?
why buy a cake if it's not meant for eating?
it doesnt make sense.
just like how the chicken and egg hypothesis doesn't.
why can't we turn back time?
turn it back to the time we made the wrong decision.
turn it back to the time we did something we regretted.
turn it back to the time where everything seemed more in place.
then, the vicious cycle comes back to haunt us.
which time and space would you want to return to?
isn't that a choice?
i know turning back time is impossible.
i know making a choice is inevitable.
but could we make it less agonizing?
i have a secret wish.
i wish i could disappear, and find myself in some unknown planet.
is that an escapade from reality?
This explains alot huh..haha.. the words after the dots were written by sh.. this is called technological advancements..we pass messages on GCs now..hahaha..
hey pple..
i've a confession to make..
i'm hooked on to this show!!
it's probably my favorite comedy ever..
it's totally hilarious..
yaya..i know..
it's a kid show..
i can still rmb razia's expression when i told her i actually watch this online..hahaha...
but the twins are super adorable, and knowing me, you shld know that i have a particular dislike for anything that is uneligible for the classification of teens and adults..
the lines are witty, the plot is sooo cute,
and i love bimbotic London..hahahahaha..
ok.. gotta go study alrd..
it's alrd distracted me long enough..
i've gt alot of catching up to do!
today's my grandmama's let's do a super shoutout!
i went for dinner with the bai gu jing, the blind bird and the skinny ah neh neh..
finally satisfied my craving for AJISEN RAMEN!!
bt i wanna complain.
one of my fave flavours- curry vege ramen was taken off the menu!!
bt im still happy..the food was great as usual, especially bcos of the company..
we met a VIP yesterday..
i wanna say loads of things, bt i will be bitten by an aedes mosquito if i did..
bt hey (you know which hey), stay happy ok?
it's really nice to see you two together..
it's not good to think so much..
dun always bully the dog..haha..
you might scare him off with your yao fa..
and im still gonna stick to you like a bee.. (:
p/s: i love you wierdos to the maxx..