last wk, i went to popular to kill time cos i was waiting for my fotos to finish developing..
so obviously, after all the pen and paper browsing, i went over to the "A"lvls section..guess what i saw?
actually, it was more of something i didn't see that's making me mad..
there was a whole bookshelf of Alvl stuff and there wasn't a single book on History, Geography, or literature..
it was filled with bio,chem,physics,econs,gp..blah blah blah..
see the pattern?
The whole bookshelf is practically customized to suit the needs of the science stream!
What are educators trying to imply?
1. The arts minority is so insignificant they are negligible
2. They disregard Arts subject as a subject
yaya..some pple are going to argue that the arts subject are pretty much non-reliant on the TYS and assessment books..
but hey, it's called the TYS whereby past year exam papers are being published for the students to practice..
so doesnt that mean that by not printing a TYS for history, you are treating the History Alvl paper as non-existant?
Also, why isn't the arts subjects like econs,Hist,Geog or Lit a prerequisite to any university courses?
i mean, even the course economics does not specify an Alvl pass in econs to qualify for it..! all you need is maths, and who doesn't take maths?!
and i don't see subjects like Hist or geog being a prerequisite anyway..
which means that any science student with no prior econs knowledge could end up in courses like econs cos they took maths,while the rest of us slog our life away to take econs and to actually do well in it, and get ousted by such people!
it's infuriating!
Since the Science stream could cross over to the Art faculties in uni, why cant Arts students do the same?
and if the subjects we are taking aren't even a prerequisite to anything, why include it in the Alvls?
The education system might as well just make JC a monostream- the Science stream..
And what angers me the most is the perception that the Arts students have lousy grades, which pretty much explains why they're in arts..
Alot of people think that the arts subj are so easy to do well in, the arts students do not need to put in much effort, unlike the science students who always seem so hardworking..blah blah..
The MOE is taking away the EM1-EM3 divide in primary school, but neglecting the one in JC..these people with these warped misconceptions about the arts students are making it seem that we're the EM3 and the science students are from the EM1..
don't believe me?
just go tell anyone on the streets you're fr the Arts stream and look at their faces..then u'll know what im talking about..
i shall not go into the details cos im sure i'll nt fail to make it seem too politically incorrect, and i do not want anyone to think that im directing this to anyone in particular..esp since most of my close friends are fr the science..
im having sudden outbursts these days..
i dunno why..
i just feel angry at alot of issues..
just take the Minister's visit to PJ for example..(shall not go there..jaish knows what im talking about..)
urgh..watever..anyway most people alrd know i do not like the SC in general..
and i shall not go there too..
wait till im outta pj..i'll vent everything once and for all..!!!!!
see wat i mean? im having an outburst again..
if i lose my temper to anyone these days,pls tell me and i'll try to curb it..
and i apologize in advance..
must go see doctor alrd..might be hormonal imbalance..wahahaha..
early menopause...
did u hear about the austrian guy who imprisoned his daughter in an underground dungeon??
omg..shocking shocking..i just heard it from my mom..
The austrian guy, Josef Fritzl, imprisoned his daughter, Elizabeth for 20 over years in a windowless underground dungeon..
He raped her repeatedly leh..
the greatest shock is that at his age, he's actually fertile enough to have 7children with Elizabeth, not counting the children he had with his legal wife!
I read from wikipedia(yes,it's dat interesting..hee..) that they even had twins, but one of the twin died a few days after birth..
Fritzl was so cheapo that he just burnt the dead baby in some incinerator in the garden..bleaghx..
oh! he's very high tech somemore..
He locked the dungeon with a password-enabled 300KG door, whereby the pw needs to be keyed in with a remote control, which he carries with him all the time..
He even lied to Elizabeth saying that the door is wired to a bomb, and if she escapes, poisonous gases and the bomb would kill her..
if i were elizabeth, i would try..even if i die, it's worth it..
The 7children have never seen the sun for their whole life!
so apparently, they are super fair..(no need to waste money on sunblock..haha..)
and they are vitamin D deficient..
The oldest daughter has even lost their teeth..
Wikipedia oso said that they communicated with simple dialogue and sounds akin an animals'!
that really puzzled me..why didnt Elizabeth teach them proper language? Did she forget hw to speak??
There are a few other qns in my mind too..
1. Why didn't she bite her tongue of bang wall? I mean i'd rather die then kena raped and even have to bear children for the rapist..
2. Why the father so pervertic? The legal wife not pretty enuf izit?
3. Why the legal wife so stupid? anyhow bluff her she oso believe?!
4. Why the govt of Austria legalize underground construction in the first place??!
5. Why the father create problems for himself by not practising safe sex?
omg..this is so V.C Andrews..
i think Fritzl must be a great fan of hers..hahahaha..
anyway, here's the wiki link :
There was a briefing for the china trip..
only 40 pple were shortlisted..
_____ didnt make it..
(dun be too sad ok..i will bring back souvenirs from the SQ flight for you..!)
one less person that i know who's going..
also, it's quite unfair actually..technically, there's only 2 hist students gg..
sad huh..
I don't understand what's the craze over sports.
Most of the time, you are sitting uncomfortably in the hot sun WATCHING others play the match.
you're not even playing..i dun understand what's so interesting about it..
I seriously do not understand wat's so interesting to see a large group of people chasing after a stupid ball and then cursing and swearing at it later.
Why is it so difficult to sell the choir tix?
you're sitted comfortably in an air-conditioned environment..
pple always tell me that it's's classical..blah and blah..
then why do you people even bother listening to pop anyway?
have u people even tried listening to classical before?
i wouldnt blame you if you said the choir sounds horrible, but i know it doesn't..
Many says the tix are's $15..let's face it. This is Singapore. You spend $50 just like that - *snaps*.
I just can't stand sports pple who thinks that they are more superior just because you need stamina and physical traits for certain sports.
They even argue that they have long training hours and dunno hw many trainings a week..
so? You think everybody can hold a note much less a tune? If that's true, the term "tone deaf" would not have come about!
Our practises are not any less strenuous than yours..(trust me, we need stamina too)
our practises are as frequent and as draggy as yours..
so why are u superior?
because the olympics was from dunno wat bc?
let me tell you this..Music existed the moment two objects from the adam and eve era clanged together.
i dare say that most pop music now is actually derived from classical anyway..
just look at one pop grp that most of us know- S.H.E
as far as i know, there are 2songs so far that's derived from classical, namely the persian market( bo si mao) and mozart( bu xiang zhang da)
also, Angela chang took one of her pop hits- C da diao from Mozart's Sonate in C-major, KV 205b(309). AND, she didnt even bother changing the name of the song.
go check it out if you dun believe me.
Who says classical music is boring?
and who says that the choir doesn't sing tunes most people are familiar with?
people put choir down before they get their facts right.
yes, im agitated, but as most people know, im not those super enthusiastic people in choir, and yet im this agitated.
It doesn't take more than a down-syndrome kid to know that
yes, i dun like sports, and it's not cos im not good at it,
and no, im not directing this at any sportsman/sportswoman in particular, but in general.
It doesnt surprise me that foreigners think that singaporeans are a bunch of uncultured human beings..i am entitled to say this cos im only half Singaporean.haha.
Please do not misunderstand me, i did NOT say that sports people are not nice people-people..i just can't stand the thwarted views sports people have towards arts people.
p/s:by the way, please throw away your stereotypical perception that people in the arts CCA are no more than cripples who can't run/jump or do what-so-ever nonsense.
p/p/s: this is my own blog, im speaking to myself, get lost if you dun like what im saying here. i need an outlet to express my views that has been suppressed for YEARS. do not judge me.
p/p/p/s: i shall not blog about the science-arts stream-ists today just in case this is too tough to swallow for some pple, and i become some public enemy overnight, especially since im inclined to mention names.
so there.
i actually planned to finish that big pile of nonsensical hw this morning before meeting pajiao and company for shopping in the afternoon.
guess what happened??
heheh..i was eating breakfast and i happened to on the telly and i saw..
2hot japs skating in this ESPN skating competition.. (:
dat's why im feeling guilty.
plus the fact that 2moro's dedicated to studying for econs test..
so sorry salt..
im gg to have to owe u chem hw on monday..hehee..
i lost my pencil again...